LONGWAY Services
Our Services


Agricultural product

Testing for components, nutritional composition, pesticide residues, heavy metals, microorganisms, and other aspects of agricultural products.

We provide professional fertilizer testing services, covering a wide range of agricultural products, to ensure the quality and safety of your agricultural products.

Our agricultural product testing services cover a wide range of areas, including but not limited to:

Pesticide residue testing: We utilize advanced technology and equipment to accurately and rapidly detect pesticide residues in agricultural products, ensuring product safety and compliance.

Heavy metal testing: We conduct testing for heavy metal elements that may exist in agricultural products to ensure environmental friendliness and consumer health.

Agricultural product quality assessment: We offer comprehensive agricultural product quality assessment services to help clients understand the quality level of their products and provide references for product improvement.

Traceability of agricultural product origin: Through scientific testing methods, we can trace the origin of agricultural products, ensuring product quality and reputation.