LONGWAY Services
Our Services


Hold/tank/container cleanness survey

To conduct testing and assessment of the cleanliness level of the aforementioned containers or equipment.

Our inspection services include but are not limited to the assessment and testing of the cleanliness of tanks, ship holds, ISO tanks, and truck tanks.

Our inspection services include:

Tank Inspection:

With an experienced team and advanced equipment, we conduct comprehensive inspections and assessments of various tanks, ensuring their structural integrity, sealing, and safety.

Ship Hold Inspection:

For ship cargo holds, we provide comprehensive inspection services, including residue detection, hull condition assessment, gas detection, etc., to ensure cleanliness, safety, and compliance with relevant standards and regulations.

ISOtank Inspection:

We offer inspection services for ISOtank containers, including external and internal structure checks, leak testing, valve function testing, etc., to ensure the quality and safety of ISOtank containers.

Truck Tank Cleanliness Appraisal:

We provide truck tank cleanliness appraisal services, including internal cleanliness and hygiene inspections of truck tanks, to ensure compliance with relevant hygiene standards and requirements during transportation.