LONGWAY Services
Our Services


Trace and source pollutant of petrochemical products

Analyzing and identifying pollutants to determine their sources and characteristics.

Our petrochemical product pollutant tracing and identification service aims to assist clients in identifying potential pollutants in petrochemical products and tracing their sources.

This service includes the following key steps:

Sample Collection: We collect petrochemical product samples according to client requirements for subsequent testing and analysis.

Pollutant Detection: Utilizing advanced detection equipment and techniques, we accurately detect and analyze potential pollutants in the samples, including organic pollutants, heavy metals, etc.

Source Tracing Analysis: Through detailed analysis of the detection results, we strive to determine the sources of pollutants, including production processes, raw materials, transportation processes, etc., to help clients identify pollution sources and take appropriate measures.

Identification Report: Finally, we provide comprehensive identification reports documenting the testing results and source tracing analysis process, offering authoritative identification results and recommendations to clients.