LONGWAY Services
Our Services


Organic chemical

Assessing the quality, composition, performance, and compliance of products and raw materials.

In today's fiercely competitive market, ensuring that your organic chemical products and raw materials comply with industry standards and regulations is crucial. As a professional third-party inspection and testing company, we offer comprehensive testing services for organic chemical products and raw materials, ensuring the quality and safety of your products.

Our testing services cover the following areas:

Chemical Composition Analysis: Using advanced analytical techniques, For example, advanced equipment such as gas chromatographs, liquid chromatographs, ion chromatographs, inductively coupled plasma generation spectroscopy, elemental analyzers, potentiometric titrators, infrared spectrometers, etc,we perform chemical composition analysis on your organic chemical products and raw materials to ensure accuracy.

Physical Performance Testing: We conduct physical performance tests on organic chemical products, including but not limited to density, viscosity, and solubility measurements.

Chemical Property Assessment: We assess the chemical properties of your products, including pH value, stability, and solubility, among others.

Organic Residue Detection: Utilizing efficient detection methods, we perform organic residue detection in your products For example, volatile organic compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, plasticizers, etc,to ensure compliance with relevant regulatory standards.