LONGWAY Services
Our Services


Automobile gasoline

Inspection and testing of automotive gasoline fuel.

We offer comprehensive gasoline inspection and testing services to ensure optimal performance and safety for your vehicles. Our testing services cover various types of automotive gasoline, providing you with comprehensive assurance and confidence.

The testing items include:

Testing items that meet the full analysis requirements of the national standard GB 17930-2016 for automotive gasoline, such as octane number (research method, Motor method), lead content, distillation range, vapor pressure, gum content, induction period, sulfur content, mercaptan sulfur, copper corrosion, water-soluble acidity and alkalinity, mechanical impurities and moisture, benzene content, aromatic and olefin content, oxygen content, methanol content, manganese and iron content, density; And illegal additives such as silicon content, aniline substances, formaldehyde, dimethyl carbonate, 2-butyl acetate, chlorine content, dienes value, etc